🕾 07713 654554

📧 woodlane@ishinryu.org


In December 2021, Ishinryu initiated the HENRY RICE – ALL OF ONE HEART award.  This annual award is one that anyone in Ishinryu can win, irrespective or club, grade, or age or anything else.  Every year a new name is added, and the trophy passed to the new winner.  Over the years this trophy will honour and celebrate the very best of Ishinryu.

Ishinryu have a proud history supporting a range of charities.

In the past Woodlane have hosted Quiz nights, run Marathons, traversed Zip wires, and even jumped out of aeroplanes.  For 2022 we have a new focus for our fund raising.

Henry is a happy and very lively 2-year-old.  He loves other children; he loves to watch the Disney Channel, and right now, has a fascination for big red London buses.

In 2021 Henry was diagnosed with a rare, and very serious disease called Mucopolysaccharidosis II (MPS II) otherwise known as Hunters Disease.  There are different versions of this genetic disorder, and unfortunately Henry has the very worst kind.  Unless he gets a cure, he has little chance of seeing normal adulthood.

Currently, there is no cure for MPS II.  All that can be done is to manage the symptoms and try to delay developmental damage.  The good news is that Henry is receiving world class treatment from Great Ormond Street Hospital – but no matter how good this treatment – it is not a cure

There is Hope.  Henry narrowly missed getting onto a clinical trial in Pittsburgh USA a few months back.  There will be other trials, and ultimately there will be a cure.  We are hoping for good news early in 2022.  We want to be able to get Henry onto any trial, or receive any treatment, no matter where in the world it becomes available. This is why we need to raise funds.

The dream for Henry is that one day he will get to train in the Dojo alongside youngsters of his own age, and get to develop and thrive in the Dojo as all our Dragons do.

The first name on this award had to be special.  Someone who has trained in Ishinryu for a while, and someone who is well known by the membership; someone who inspires and motivates others; someone who embodies all that is best in our association.

On December 4th, at the Ishinryu Christmas party, Sensei Lee Smith (6th Dan) became the first recipient of the HENRY RICE – ALL OF ONE HEART award.

The trophy has room for 11 names.  This will be presented to 10 of the best Karateka over a 10 year period. 

That last name on the trophy will be as special as the first. I want that last name to be Henry Rice.

Lee Accepts the award (4-Dec-2021)
Lee Accepts the award (4-Dec-2021)
Lee Accepts the award (4-Dec-2021)